WooCommerce Instagram 4.6.1

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Download WooCommerce Instagram 4.6.1 from nulled fire. With the Instagram extension, showcasing how customers use your products has never been easier.
* Feature - Choose the type of images to display on product pages.
* Feature - Configure the type of images to display per product.
* Tweak - Use the top images if there are not enough recent images for a hashtag.
* Tweak - Check if the access credentials have been deprecated and it requires a re-authentication.
* Tweak - Display a notice to manually renew the access credentials when the automated process fails several times.
* Fix - Fixed default expiration time of the access credentials.
* Dev - Updated the Instagram Graph API version to v4.0.
* Tweak - Remove invalid characters from the product hashtag.
* Tweak - Added compatibility with WC 3.7
* Feature - Automatically renew the access credentials.
* Tweak - Keep the settings when disconnecting the Instagram account or removing the plugin.
* Tweak - Remove older update notices on plugin activation.
* Tweak - Added URL verification when connecting and disconnecting the Instagram account.
* Tweak - Increased `timeout` parameter for the API requests.
* Tweak - Added compatibility with WP 5.2.
* Fix - Fixed error when passing a callable as argument to the `empty()` function in PHP 5.4 and lower.
* Dev - Moved Instagram Graph API version to v3.3.