WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities 4.3.0

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Download WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities 4.3.0 from nulled fire. Specify minimum and maximum allowed product quantities for orders to be completed.
* Fix - Ensure total quantity number is accurate in the minimum quantity error message.
* Fix - Update label and description of ""Allow Combination" option.
* Tweak - Update labels for the "Do not count" and "Exclude" options.
* Tweak - WC 5.4 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 5.7 compatibility.
* Fix - Ensure that when on a Grouped Product page, all products can have their quantity set to zero, even if a product has a "Group of" value set.
* Fix - Make sure "Do not count" and "Exclude" rules are taken into account when there are existing products in the cart and new products are added.
* Fix - On variable products, ensure the "Allow Combination" setting is properly handled.
* Fix - add minimum and step values to all number inputs in the admin, to avoid being able to enter negative numbers.
* Fix - ensure we have terms before trying to use them.
* Tweak - add error notice if WooCommerce isn't active.
* Update - Standardize format and copy of error messages.
* Add - Output any error messages we might have on the checkout cart error template.
* Fix - Category-level rules now correctly apply to Grouped Products.
* Fix - Ensure 'Do not count' order rules work if the product with those rules is the only one in the cart.
* Tweak - WC 5.2.2 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 5.7.1 compatibility.