WooCommerce Mix and Match Products 2.7.1

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Download WooCommerce Mix and Match Products 2.7.1 from nulled fire. Allow your customers to combine products and create their own variations, and increase your average order value.
* Fix: Format the container line total for per-item priced containers with correct decimal setting in the cart block.
* Fix: Order item editing script not loaded on HPOS new order page.
* Fix: Introduce WC_MNM_Core_Compatibility::get_post_or_object_meta() to better support older versions of WC.
* Fix: Suppress item removed popup notifications for child items in Cart Block when Container is removed. #505.
* Tweak: Important: The 'Form Location' option is no longer supported when using a block theme. Use the following snippet to force its use: 'add_filter( 'wc_mnm_has_legacy_product_template', '__return_true' );' #503.
* Tweak: Hide points and rewards message when container has a minimum of 0 points.
* Tweak: Rename css class for child items in documents generated by Print Invoices and Packing lists.
* Fix: Prevent double display of "Edit Selections" button that was introduced by WooCommerce 7.8
* Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Attempt to modify property "data" in REST API product response in PHP 8.1