* Important - WooCommerce 3.0 support added.
* Important - WooCommerce 2.3 support dropped.
* Dev Feature - New global functions for establishing MnM parent/child cart/order item relationships.
* Feature - Container size may now vary between a minimum/maximum value (feature previously available with the "WooCommerce Mix and Match Min/Max" mini-extension).
* Feature - It is now possible to save MnM containers as virtual or physical at will. Child items can be shipped individually without being coupled to the "Virtual" status of their container.
* Feature - It is now possible to save MnM containers as downloadable.
* Important - Data exported to Shipstation is now physically accurate, based on the shipping configuration of MnM products. Child items are no longer exported as individual items to Shipstation when "Per-Item Shipping" is enabled. Instead, their value (and optionally, weight) is aggregated with the value of their container (assuming it is shipped/non-virtual). Fixes issues with incorrect shipping rate calculations.
* Tweak - MnM child products that are physically packaged in their container now show up as individual list/option items grouped under their parent in Shipstation packing slips.