WooCommerce Product Bundles 7.1.0

Download WooCommerce Product Bundles 7.1.0 from nulled fire. WooCommerce Product Bundles Create and offer highly configurable product bundles.
* Important - WooCommerce 3.0 support added.
* Dev - 'WC_Product_Bundle' refactored based on the core CRUD pattern (WC 3.0+ only). Type-specific data is now handled using getters/setters and a dedicated data store class, 'WC_Product_Bundle_Data_Store_CPT'.
* Dev - It is now possible to create bundled items directly on 'WC_Product_Bundle' objects using 'WC_Product_Bundle::set_bundled_data_items' (WC 3.0+ only).
* Dev - Introduce unit tests for 'WC_PB_Order' and 'WC_Product_Bundle' classes.
* Feature - Create bundles using the REST API '/products/' endpoint (WC 3.0+ only). Read more at REST API Reference - WooCommerce Docs .
* Feature - Add bundles to orders using the REST API '/orders/' endpoint (WC 3.0+ only). Read more at REST API Reference - WooCommerce Docs .
* Feature - New REST API 'bundle_layout' field with get/update support.
* Feature - Allow variations filtering of bundled Variable Subscriptions (WC 3.0+ only).
* Fix - Weight of composite products in shipping packages does not include the weight of bundled products physically packaged in a bundle that is itself physically packaged in its parent composite.
* Fix - Infinite loop when viewing an order that contains a bundle set to be preordered using the WooCommerce Pre-Orders extension.
* Fix - Strip slashes when validating and saving overridden attribute default values.
* Fix - Sold Individually > "Matching configurations only" option not working correctly.
* Fix - Bundled product indentation in cart is not preserved after refreshing cart contents.
* Tweak - Renamed Sold Individually > "Identical configurations only" option to "Matching configurations only".
* Feature - Disable bundled Product Add-Ons. New "Disable Add-Ons" option found under the "Advanced Settings" tab of each bundled item.
* Tweak - Simplify price filter widget meta query.
* Tweak - Auto-check "Priced Individually" the first time a subscription product is added to a bundle.
* Fix - Prevent infinite loop with plugins calling 'WC_Product::get_sale_price' from a function hooked into 'woocommerce_get_price'.
* Fix - Empty price string showing up when a bundle without a base price contains optional-only, individually-priced items. Price string is now correctly showing up as "From: $0.00".
* Fix - Give Products support for bundles with static contents.
* Fix - Database upgrade from v5.0.x unable to complete when migrating thousands of bundles on some systems.
* Dev Fix - Prevent stock validation when adding bundles to orders using 'WC_PB_Order::add_bundle_to_order'.
* Tweak - Bundled products that are physically packaged in their bundle container now show up as individual options of their parent in Shipstation packing slips. Previously, they were listed in a single "Contents" option of their parent.