WooCommerce Product Bundles 7.1.1

Download WooCommerce Product Bundles 7.1.1 from nulled fire. WooCommerce Product Bundles Create and offer highly configurable product bundles.
* Fix - WooCommerce REST API v2 support added.
* Fix - Wrong product bundle title displayed in cart validation messages.
* Fix - Duplicate bundled cart items when renewing/resubscribing to subscription bundles created with 'WooCommerce Subscribe All the Things'.
* Fix - Prevent bundles with subscriptions from being purchased if "Mixed Checkout" is disabled under 'Settings > Subscriptions'.
* Fix - Prevent bundles with multiple subscriptions from being purchased if support for 'multiple_subscriptions' is not declared by any gateway. Prevents issues with resubscribing and potential issues with renewing.
* Tweak - Prevent stock cache clearing when product transients are cleared under WC 3.0+.
* Important - WooCommerce 3.1 support added.
* Feature - Added support for importing/exporting bundles with the new WC 3.1 product importer/exporter.
* Fix - Wrong bundled product/variation availability status when the product/variation is on backorder (with notification) and the min bundled item quantity is 0.
* Fix - 'Override Default Selections' option includes attributes not used in variations.
* Fix - Text domain and string inconsistencies with WooCommerce core.
* Tweak - Introduce runtime caching of bundle price methods' output. Use 'woocommerce_bundle_prices_hash' filter if applying price filters conditionally and conditions change during a single request.
* Tweak - Introduce 'woocommerce_get_bundle_availability' filter.
* Tweak - Single product page "Total:" visibility tweaks for bundles with static prices.
* Fix - Inconsistent server/client-side price totals in single-product bundle pages due to rounding issues.
* Fix - Inaccurate bundle container item subtotals shown in cart due to rounding issues.
* Tweak - Improved single-product page total showing/hiding logic.
* Tweak - Simplified subscription-bundle container cart item subtotal.