* Fix - Incorrect use of 'WP_Query' with an empty IDs array when editing products, causing performance issues to sites with a large number of products.
* Fix - Failure to invalidate external object cache when calling 'WC_Bundled_Item_Data::save', causing unnecessary database reads/writes on systems using an external object cache.
* Fix - Failure to synchronize the stock status of bundles when changing the stock status/quantity of a bundled product in some edge cases.
* Fix - PHP warning triggered by non-purchasable bundled products with a non-zero minimum quantity.
* Fix - Non-purchasable bundled products are displayed with an "Undefined" bundled product title.
* Tweak - Improved stock sync task runner logging.
* Tweak - Improved handling of non-purchasable bundled products. Introduced '/single-product/bundled-product-unavailable.php' template.