Enhancement: Update delay JS script to the latest version, fixing issue with sticky elements (#4216)
Enhancement: Make sure that wrongly formatted URLs from WooCommerce are not preloaded (#2068)
Enhancement: Update the default Delay JavaScript exclusion list to contain jQuery migrate script (#5192)
Enhancement: Remove unnecessary preconnect request when logged-in with User Cache disabled (#5474)
Enhancement: Make sure that Preload Fonts feature's output is added just after the </title> tag (#4215)
Enhancement: Set the minimum version of Action Scheduler to 3.0.0 and prevent fatal errors when the condition is not met (#5638)
Enhancement: Add a filter to change the time when not accessed URLs will be removed from the cache table (#5657)
Enhancement: Introduce new CRON to retry failed RUCSS jobs after 3 days (#5724)
Bugfix: Make sure WebP is served when UPLOADS constant is used (#5409)
Bugfix: Prevent clearing the whole cache when trashing the post in specific conditions (#5585)
3rd-party compatibility: Update exclusions from Delay JavaScript related to Uncode theme (#5743)
3rd-party compatibility: Compatibility with PRO ISP hosting (#5844)
3rd-party compatibility: Enable Separate Cache for Mobile Devices when WPDiscuz is used