Download Wp Rocket 3.17.3 from nulled fire. Wp Rocket - Speed up your WordPress website with WP Rocket caching plugin.
Bugfix: Fixes an issue with WordPress feeds being cached by default. Also brings back possibility to exclude index.php from being cached.
Bugfix: Prevent fatal error when delaying massive inline scripts (#5570)
Bugfix: Prevent fatal error when Action Scheduler returns error (#5567)
3rd-party compatibility: Prevent fatal error when deactivating BigCommerce plugin (#5550)
3rd-party compatibility: Exclude non-existing URLs coming from The Events Calendar plugin from the prelod (#5510)
Enhancement: Improve various capabilities checking and sanitizations (#5105)
Enhancement: Catch Actions Scheduler exceptions (#5463)
Enhancement: Clear cache of taxonomy pagination pages when a post is cleared (#4035)
Enhancement: Don't apply lazyload on background images added into a style attribute using base64 (#5293)
Enhancement: Improve headers filter for preload feature (#5521)
Enhancement: Guard against unnecessary request when RUCSS and Preload are used together (#5401)
Enhancement: Save RUCSS error messages in the database (#5400)
Bugfix: Prevent fatal error in specific conditions (#5501, #5483)
Bugfix: Prevent 404 error on some links of the French documentation (#5502)
3rd-party: Improve compatibility with WPX hosting (#3717)