Enhancement: Update the method to load CSS files asynchronously with the Optimize CSS Delivery option. The plugin now uses the media="print" technique in addition to preload for better performance and compatiblity
Enhancement: Prevent adding the WP_CACHE constant to wp-config.php if it’s already defined to true somewhere else. Introduce the filter rocket_set_wp_cache_constant to completely prevent WP Rocket from writing in wp-config.php
Enhancement: Add tags for lazyloaded elements
Enhancement: Add additional exclusions from combine JavaScript & defer JavaScript
Enhancement Remove instances of the terms blacklist, whitelist from our codebase
Bugfix: Prevent some issues with Firefox when using the Optimize CSS Delivery option
Bugfix: Prevent duplicate IDs error in HTML validator when using the Optimize CSS Delivery option
Bugfix: Prevent issue with lazyload for background images when the image URL is wrapped in escaped quotes
Bugfix: Prevent some issues with lazyload when adding the rocket-lazyload class if the class attribute is empty or the HTML is malformed
Bugfix: Prevent missing icons on the WP Rocket settings page in some specific instances
3rd party compatibility: Automatic compatibility with SpinUpWP hosting
3rd party compatibility: Disable the automatic Varnish purge on Cloudways when Varnish is deactivated for the website
3rd party compatibility: Automatically exclude the PDF Embedder plugin JavaScript files from combination