Download Wp Rocket 3.15.10 from nulled fire. Wp Rocket - Speed up your WordPress website with WP Rocket caching plugin.
New feature: Lazyload picture elements
New feature: Lazyload background images added inline in the HTML content with the background-image CSS attribute
New feature: NGINX FastCGI Cache Add-on, to synchronize WP Rocket cache purge with NGINX Cache purge
Enhancement: Update the way lazyload is applied to catch more images and be more compatible
Enhancement: Add preload fallback system for sitemap preload in case there is an error during parsing of the sitemaps
Enhancement: Automatic compatibility with Pressable hosting. WP Rocket is now usable on Pressable
Enhancement: Ignore utm_term parameter during caching when used in the URL
Bugfix: Prevent cache file not being generated if filename is longer than 255 characters
Bugfix: Prevent PHP warning when using the GDPR plugin
-Enhancement: Increase request timeout for homepage and sitemaps preload to 10 seconds to reduce cURL 28 errors on some websites
-Enhancement: Don't verify SSL on local preload requests to prevent cURL 60 errors on some websites
-Bugfix: Prevent a matching issue when URL contains pattern matching with a file type during homepage preload
-Bugfix: Correctly delete previous preload errors when launching a new preload
Enhancement: Serve cache page when the _ga query string parameter is set
Enhancement: Add the rocket_disable_htaccess filter to disable edition of the htaccess file
Enhancement: Auto-exclude additional inline JS patterns from the combine JS files option
Enhancement: Add action hooks before and after WP Rocket resets OPCache
Bugfix: Correctly exclude custom login page set in WPS Hide Login from cache
Bugfix: Prevent a PHP notice in some cases when using the disable WordPress embeds option
Bugfix: Prevent a PHP fatal error when trying to use sitemap preload on an environment with the SimpleXML extension disabled
Bugfix: Prevent a PHP fatal error caused by other plugins using deprecated WP Rocket functions
Bugfix: Prevent a 500 error on Windows Server using Apache caused by end of line characters
Bugfix: Prevent a PHP fatal error when using minify/combine CSS or remove query strings on a server without the mbstring PHP extension