Download Wp Rocket 3.15.10 from nulled fire. Wp Rocket - Speed up your WordPress website with WP Rocket caching plugin.
Bugfix: Prevent the plugin from removing custom cron schedules if the Google Tracking Add-on is not active
Bugfix: Prevent a PHP Fatal Error is a call to a deprecated WP Rocket function is made by another plugin
Bugfix: Improve URL to path conversion function to prevent errors with some relative CSS/JS URLs during minification/combine/remove query strings
Bugfix: Add more default exclusions to combine Javascripts files to prevent errors
Bugfix: WP Rocket can now be correctly disabled if activated on the network level on multisite
Bugfix: Correctly exclude the REST API on multisite sub-sites
Bugfix: Correctly recreate the wp-rocket-config folder if it doesn't exist
Bugfix: Correctly position the show sidebar slider for RTL languages
Bugfix: Don't display the show sidebar slider on the license screen
-Requirements change: WP Rocket now requires WordPress 4.7 or higher
-New feature: Create a cache of WooCommerce empty cart content to improve loading time of the wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments AJAX request
-New feature: Google Tracking one-click add-on enables you to create a local cache version of Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager files, improving browser caching for them
-Enhancement: Combining JS files also combines inline and 3rd party scripts, resulting in a better compatibility and no render-blocking files
-Enhancement: Improve compatibility with WooCommerce Multilingual currency switcher
-Enhancement: Improve detection of some CSS files during minification/combine
-Enhancement: Specific compatibility for Uncode theme related to the combine JavaScript option, to prevent display issues
-Enhancement: Automatic compatibility with o2switch Varnish xTremCache when active
-Fix: Correctly assign the return value of the set_rocket_wp_cache_define filter
-Fix: Prevent incorrect display of the license expiration date in the dashboard in some cases
-Fix: Prevent caching of pages with a 403 or 500 error code
-Fix: Prevent entire site from being excluded from cache when WooCommerce pages are not correctly defined or published
-Fix: Prevent a php warning in some cases with a multilingual plugin when clearing the cache
-Fix: Prevent a fatal error on WPS Hide Login activation with the new version of this plugin
-Fix: Correctly rewrite inline styles images URLs to the CDN only if the CDN is set to all or images
--Regression fix: correct an issue which prevented sitemap-based preloading from working