Enhancement: Improve compatibility with Kinsta in the case where the installation is missing Kinsta mu-plugin, and correctly clear Kinsta cache when using "Purge this URL" on the front-end
Enhancement: Generate WP Rocket caching files on Siteground even for sites with a version older than 4.0.5 of SG Optimizer
Enhancement: Add back placeholders in some WP Rocket textareas fields to hint at the correct syntax to use
Bugfix: Prevent incorrectly rewritten URL paths in minified/busted CSS files in some cases
Bugfix: Fix a conflict with the SumoMe plugin which prevented WP Rocket settings tabs navigation from working
Bugfix: Prevent database optimization counting the number of items to optimize on all admin pages instead of only WP Rocket settings apge
Bugfix: Database optimization "Optimize" button now optimize correctly even if the settings didn't change
Dependency: Update lazyload script the to latest available version