Download Wp Rocket 3.16.4 from nulled fire. Wp Rocket - Speed up your WordPress website with WP Rocket caching plugin.
3rd-party compatibility: Revert making Asset Cleanup not compatible plugin
3rd-party compatibility: Introduce Cloudflare APO compatibility (#3180)
3rd-party compatibility: Improve TranslatePress and RUCSS compatibility (#5640)
Enhancement: Rewrite Cloudflare Add-on code (#5729)
Enhancement: Bump minimum WordPress version to 5.8, PHP to 7.3
Enhancement: Improve partial cache clearing for non-latin URLs
Enhancement: Fix deprecation notices in PHP 8.2.3
Enhancement: Change the jQuery recommended exclusion from Delay JavaScript
Enhancement: Improve hit rates for Redis by moving ‘wp_rocket_no_licence’ to the options API
Bugfix: Sanitization of permalink settings output
Bugfix: Fix ‘undefined array key’ warning in specific circumstances
3rd-party compatibility: Improve compatibility with security plugins to prevent excessive cache clearing