Yoast WooCommerce SEO Premium 16.2

Download Yoast WooCommerce SEO Premium 16.2 from nulled fire. Yoast WooCommerce SEO combines the strongest SEO plugin with the best ecommerce plugin.
Shows the price and availability of a product in its snippet when sharing the product on Slack.
Bugfixes: Fixes a bug where no plugin icon and compatibility data would be displayed on the plugins update screen.
Other: We’ve tested with WooCommerce 4.5. Everything works as expected!
  • Adds ‘WebPage’ as schema @type to Product pages and Checkout pages. This results in a @type array with at least ‘WebPage’ and ‘ItemPage’, or ‘WebPage’ and ‘CheckoutPage’.
  • Enables tracking when activating the plugin. This can be disabled in the Yoast SEO configuration wizard.
  • Sets the minimum supported WordPress version to 5.4.