Bookly Pro (Add-on) 8.7

Download Bookly Pro (Add-on) 8.7 from nulled fire. Bookly Pro (Add-on) - awesome appointment booking and scheduling solution
Issue: Plugin starts asking for license 2 weeks into 30 day "trial". States it will automatically disable itself if no valid key is entered.

Method: Nag screen / Phones home to Bookly

Thoughts: It's not encrypted, so it's rather easy to bypass the verification. Plugin phones home to Bookly (includes admin's email/site name/url/ip).

I'm not sure if NF provides a product key (or other instructions) for this plugin, but I can share instructions on how to remove the "nag screen" and "phone home" functions. After null, it will accept any license key. I'll wait until after the 30 day trial is up to confirm (on 4/25/17), and if my modifications work as intended (and assuming my post will be permitted by NF), then I'll share the method.


Hi Apanha, thank you very much for the update. However, yerterday, after installation I received the warning "Bookly License Verification Required. ............................. If you do not provide a valid purchase code within 14 days, access to your bookings would be disabled.". And the count down seems to be working (today it is "13 days").

Should I ignore it as it would keep working normal?
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Go to /lib/Config.php on line 509, change grace_period_days to whatever number you want and re upload it. Works for me.
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