Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25.1

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Download Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25.1 from nulled fire. Elegant Themes Divi WordPress Theme Build up your library with your favorite layouts.
- Prevented WP-Stateless from causing et-cache folder to grow indefinitely.
- Fixed redundant CSS on modules with position options.
- Fixed Scroll Effects elements Animation issues on real mobile devices.
- Fixed an issue with the Testimonial module author/company link target.
- Fixed background image and gradient not working in Bar Counter Module.
- Fixed Border settings in Cart notice module.
- Fixed Contact Forms not showing a success message on 404 or other error pages.
- Improved Scroll Effects preview accuracy when using the Divi Builder in backend.
- Fixed a JavaScript error that occured when choosing to clone an existing page from the Page Creation cards.
- Fixed a PHP error that occured when loading the builder in certain cases.
- Introduces hooks action after BFB autosave and VB explicit save for 3rd Party extensions to access the rendered content.
- Fixed Sections Removing issue in Legacy Builder in some cases.
- Fixed menus inside rows being cut off on mobile devices.
- Avoid reinit Maps and Fullwidth Maps modules during preview mode changes and resizing settings modal.
- Fixed inconsistent background behaviour on post slider and fullwidth post slider when featured image is set as background and other background setting are changed.
- Rendered progress bar on portability tooltip even the progress is 0% to avoid spinner being rendered.
- Added Border and Box Shadow options to the Fullwidth Code and Code modules.
- Fixed Individual accordion Closed Title Font styles output.
- Fixed error "Input argument is not an HTMLInputElement" in custom CSS editor.
- Fixed Theme Builder cannot be loaded when WooCommerce Points & Rewards plugin is activated.
- Fixed fullscreen Fullwidth Header elements not taking the full screen height when used inside a Theme Builder header layout.
- Fixed Post oEmbeds not working when post pages are affected by a Theme Builder body layout.
- Fixed custom post type taxonomy term archive listings being overridden by the post type archive page condition rather than the taxonomy term archive condition in Theme Builder.
- Fixed contact form modules in Theme Builder layouts not submitting when displayed on archive listing pages.
- Fixed specialty section solid column border not showing in frontend.
- Fixed misaligned settings modal's UI component on Layout Block builder.
- Fixed modules with position fixed and bottom origin, on VB and TB.
- Fixed location of buttons with fixed position on VB.
- Fixed location of modules with fixed position on zoom preview.
- Fixed Image border not showing on Placeholder images when using the Shop module.
- Fixed a bug in Blog/PostSlider/Portfolio modules to show Private posts to Admin, Editor and Author user level.
- Fixed title, content, and meta hover styles in the blog module not being applied when hovering over the module.
- Fixed nested Toolset shortcodes not working.
- Allowed the display of non-public taxonomies for post conditions in the Theme builder and added filters to control this behavior.
- Fixed Woo Images module's Image not showing up on Shop when Theme Builder layout is used.
- Fixed Product crashes on front end when using Divi Builder content w/o enabling the builder.
- Fixed Blog module pagination being affected by the main WordPress query in certain cases leading to 404 errors.
- Removed unsupported Read More Tag button from the tinyMCE editor.
- Fixed mailster custom field data not showing.
- Fixed reCAPTCHA v3 invalid action name JavaScript error.
- Revived progress bar in tooltip export at visual builder.
- Fixed issue with Mailchimp Email Optin's group data with type dropdown / radio not being sent properly.
- Fixed error email already exists in Mailster Optin Email Module when the user already subscribed to another list.
- Fixed theme customizer not displaying correctly in RTL mode.
- Fixed the issue when Module settings were not accessible on hover in some cases.
- Fixed headed z-index position on custom post types.
- Fixed Font Uploader in Divi Builder.
- Fixed wireframe mode not being visible when editing a post affected by a Theme Builder body layout.
- Fixed cloned and imported Theme Builder layouts still showing the Page Creation flow in certain cases.
- Fixed incorrect fixed positioning module inside layout block preview.
- Fixed characters encoding for category meta Post Title & FW Post Title module in builder mode.
- Fixed fatal error when previewing Divi theme.
- Fixed Motion Effects loading issues on Frontend in some cases.
- Fix a JavaScript error when loading the Visual Builder from the WP Admin.
- Fixed Animations loading on Frontend.
- Fixed a bug that cause the builder's global JS object to be defined on frontend pages.
- Fixed Animations loading on Frontend.