Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25

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Download Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25 from nulled fire. Elegant Themes Divi WordPress Theme Build up your library with your favorite layouts.
- Fixed the issue when Module settings were not accessible on hover in some cases.
- Fixed headed z-index position on custom post types.
- Fixed Font Uploader in Divi Builder.
- Fixed wireframe mode not being visible when editing a post affected by a Theme Builder body layout.
- Fixed cloned and imported Theme Builder layouts still showing the Page Creation flow in certain cases.
- Fixed incorrect fixed positioning module inside layout block preview.
- Fixed characters encoding for category meta Post Title & FW Post Title module in builder mode.
- Fixed fatal error when previewing Divi theme.
- Fixed Motion Effects loading issues on Frontend in some cases.
- Fix a JavaScript error when loading the Visual Builder from the WP Admin.
- Fixed Animations loading on Frontend.
- Fixed a bug that cause the builder's global JS object to be defined on frontend pages.
- Fixed Animations loading on Frontend.
- Fixed text module with position options not looking the same in FE and VB.
- Fixed scrolling issue in tinyMCE editor in some cases.
- Fixed missing scrollbar after closing the Settings Modal with tinyMCE in fullscreen mode.
- Fixed a rare fatal error when attempting to edit a page assigned as the posts page for the site with the builder.
- Fixed the font upload modal overlay overlapping the modal itself.
- Fixed z-index values set to 0 being read as empty on FE.
- Fixed modules position if z-index is set.
- Fixed columns having a minimum height of 48px.
- Fixed Post Content modules not outputting all The Events Calendar event data.
- Fixed WooCommerce product count under Theme Options overriding the Shop module settings.
- Fixed locale system.