Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25.1

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Download Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25.1 from nulled fire. Elegant Themes Divi WordPress Theme Build up your library with your favorite layouts.
- Fixed the incorrect letter spacing in a title of Number Counter Divi Module in Safari browser (7.1+).
- Fixed admin bar missing when global header enabled with Divi Builder plugin.
- Disabled resize on the textareas from the Custom CSS at the advanced tab in a settings modal.
- Fixed incorrect align on small screens for Blog Module with Grid Layout.
- Fixed Quick Action modal opening when you typed something outside of Builder Area and used SHIFT + SPACE.
- Fixed the issue when border-radius was ignored when using the box-shadow into the Post Navigation Module.
- Removed any HTML tags from the name of options at the Contact Form Module on the Divi Builder.
- Fixed module status line double click not loading saved content and settings.
- Fixed incorrect import context message when importing fails.
- Added dismissible "Get Recommended Divi Hosting" Card in Divi Support Center to show if any system status item is in a warning state.
- Added slashes for post content at layout's import.
- Fixed page dots navigation to show the dots only for main sections.
- Fixed javascript error Uncaught ReferenceError: et_pb_first_row_padding_top is not defined when you are working with some settings in Theme Customizer > Header, like a changing header style option.
- Improved logic to keep collapse/expand state consistent for Add/Clone/Delete/DnD actions in Layers panel.
- Updated Layers panel to allow selecting Goal and Winner for Split Testing from Layers panel.
- Improved the Visual Builder scroll performance.
- Added vmin and vmax to css allowed units in module settings.
- Fixed person module image broken layout in 6 column row when viewing from tablet.
- Fixed broken Divi logo when WebP with picture tag feature is enabled on Imagify plugin.
- Fixed showing data from the latest published product when a new draft product is created.
- Removed extra margin in menu module that causes horizontal scroll bar if you make row fullwidth.
- Fixed an issue that allowed setting a layout as Global in the Divi Library.
- Fixed Post Content module incorrect details on event post type of The Event Calendar.
- Fixed slide from top animation incorrect position when animated.
- Fixed js error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'trim' of undefined" with the Slider Modules on the frontend.
- Fixed unable to set Rank Math focus keyword on BFB.
- Fixed issue so that our plugins wont clear cache if Divi, Extra, or the Divi Builder are not active.
- Removed theme builder override warning message from already saved layout.
- Fixed Max Mega Menu plugin sometimes causing the Builder to reload.
- Fixed issue where layouts from different languages were not being loaded on builder library layouts.
- Fixed theme builder template hover option buttons not appearing on Safari.
- Fixed incorrect running of the Video Module to the fullscreen mode with resized browser window to the mobile size, when the Video Module's Visibility option desktop is turned off.
- Fixed a bug which prevented to expand/collapse layers from right click menu in Layers panel.
- Added support for Hummingbird plugin to clean up the cache on some circumstances.
- Fixed incorrect alignment of the slide's content after resizing the Chrome browser with the zoom level less than 100% while using the Slider module.
- Fixed Builder reloading itself after changing some Google related Divi Options.
- Fixed sticky links are not translated into permalinks on Global items.
- Fixed Specialty Sections editing from the Divi Library using the Latest Divi Builder Experience.
- Fixed broken column layout on Product Category and Tag pages.