Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25

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Download Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25 from nulled fire. Elegant Themes Divi WordPress Theme Build up your library with your favorite layouts.
- Apply theme customizer typography styles in the Gutenberg Editor.
- Fixed image module alignment issue in mobile.
- Fixed Divi reCaptcha conflict with 3rd party plugins.
- Fixed js error when Find & Replace modal was opened for Button Background options in some cases.
- Fixed the email list not working if the account name contains a quote or vertical line in the Email Optin module.
- Fixed fullwidth header module incorrect height when the fullscreen layout is enabled.
- Fixed video module border-radius in iOS and Safari.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with WordPress 5.6 where it would cause the Fullwidth Header scroll down icon to not work.
- Fixed Divider Arrangement setting option - Underneath Section Content.
- Fixed true parallax jumping issue when an animation is enabled.
- Fixed error on the console log when Filterable Portfolio is loaded on Firefox.
- Fixed an issue with the Post Slider image top and bottom position.
- Fixed the issue where fixed navigation bar was not sticky in Firefox browser.
- Fixed button hover background color conflicts with the theme customizer.
- Fixed Email module button looks incorrect in 1/6 and 1/5 columns layout.
- Fixed email optin module's extra space above form when no title or description exists.
- Fixed anchor link doesn't work on default Divi menu after WordPress 5.6 released.
- Fixed Slider module controls when opacity or Sepia filter is enabled.
- Fixed locked section's Paste Row issue.
- Submit email opt-in form when users hit enter.
- Fixed reCAPTCHA account selecting in Settings Modal.
- Fixed section divider changes position on mobile and tablet in the option.
- Fixed Fullwidth Slider image position when lazy loading image is enabled.
- Fixed unwanted h2 font-size change on posts within the Builder content on mobile screens.
- Fixed center text alignment of blurb module when image/icon placement is set to left and content is not enough.
- Fixed Post Navigation Module link arrow custom CSS that was affecting the label too.
- Fixed hash anchor to tab for woo tabs module.
- Fixed mobile menu background color in VB.
- Fixed blurb module strange right padding with RTL languages.
- Fixed blog module excerpt for languages that don't have space between words.
- Fixed PHP 8 libxml_disable_entity_loader deprecation warning by adding conditional statement to run the method only on PHP 7.4 and below.
- Fixed preload key requests for modules.ttf.
- Fixed Centered Inline Logo header style showing Cart icon on the left.
- Fixed setting 1 column in footer showing in 2 columns in tablets.
- Removed top & bottom margin that were wrongly applied to the WooCommerce Related Products module.
- Introduced hooks for add, undo, redo, jump to, and discard actions on settings modal.
- Fixed Featured Images import and export for Library items.
- Fixed some shortcut keys not being overridden in Select2 input fields.
- Fixed incorrect selectors in Woo Add to Cart module that affected Border options.
- Fixed empty logo image alt text when not set from divi builder settings.
- Fixed sticky elements position resets to top-left if sticky tab active in mobile view.
- Fixed woocommerce long description can't update in classic Divi builder.
- Fixed an issue in Visual Builder where the preview width could extend beyond the maximum allowed Tablet View width.
- Fixed the styles on the password-protected page.
- Fixed broken layout block preview after undo and redo actions.
- Fixed empty title in bar counters module.
- Fixed LearnDash content not being rendered properly when Post Content module is being used on theme builder body layout.
- Fixed broken layout on product tour tooltip modal.
- Align reset variations link on the right.
- Fixed excerpt length issue that occurred when Excerpt Length set to 0 and showing dots.
- Fixed project bottom margin when Divi Builder is enabled.