Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25.1

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Download Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25.1 from nulled fire. Elegant Themes Divi WordPress Theme Build up your library with your favorite layouts.
- Fixed a conflict with SiteGround Optimizer where the Theme Customizer styles would not work when the Output Styles Inline option was enabled in Divi's Theme Options.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with SiteGround Optimizer that would cause the Divi Builder to timeout.
- Fixed order class suffix changing from _0 to _1 due to the use of do_shortcode().
- Added the all new "Product Stock" condition to Display Conditions feature.
- Added the all new "Custom Field" condition to Display Conditions feature.
- Added the all new "URL Parameter" condition to Display Conditions feature.
- Fixed various various TinyMCE editor options not working in Theme Builder in Extra theme.
- Fixed repetitive text on all Checkout modules along w/ the missing default border width for the payment methods.
- Fixed all Checkout modules that displayed errors when a Product in cart goes out of stock while Checkout.
- The margin container in the Icon Module was reassigned to the main Icon Module container.
- Fixed Fields Text size option not targeting the right elements on Checkout page.
- Fixed default pricing tables color for frequency not being properly applied in certain cases.
- Fixed an issue where preset CSS are always Loaded even when presets are not used.
- Fixed fatal error shown when Shop module, used on a page, is viewed after disabling the Woocommerce plugin.
- Fixed Checkout workflow failure when checkout page is built using Theme Builder.
- Fixed using of slashes in the Date Format option in Blog, Fullwidth Post Title and Post Title modules.
- Fixed max-height set on image module for mobile devices resulting in stretched image.
- Fixed a PHP warning that occurred when the stored Global Presets History was an array instead of an object.
- Fixed shipping address not working when Cart Totals module is used.
- Fixed inconsistent form notice's font weight in the Checkout Payment module.
- Fixed bottom content jumping issue with Sliders on Webkit based browsers.
- Fixed a PHP 8 deprecation notice in the Cross Sells Module.
- Fixed bug with removing sections from Post Content module when there is only one section inside the Body Layout.
- Fixed issue with editing page content that is nested inside the Post Content Module in Body Template in Full Site Editing mode.
- Fixed Blurb module header color transition not working with the Text Color option.
- Fixed an issue with video responsiveness and dimensions on accordion module when dynamic js lib was enabled.
- Improve SiteGround Optimizer plugin compatibility with Dynamic Assets.
- Fixed broken Column Label Option Group styles on Table & Phone modes in Cart Totals module.
- Fixed compatibility issues with Optima Express IDX Plugin.
- Improve reCaptcha compatibility with 3rd Party reCaptcha solutions.
- Fixed Cart Totals module's Table Cells Background Color option not working in Phone mode.
- Fixed Fields Focus Text color being overridden in Checkout Info module.
- Fixed issue with Divi activation upon editing Divi Layout Block in Gutenberg.
- Fixed the margin applying for the icon with the left placement in the Blurb module.
- Fixed delayed editor switching from GB to VB when activating VB by replacing waitForSave() that is based on@wordpress/data's subscribe() with evaluating state and props change that is already passed by Higher Order Component from store's state.
- Fixed break in gallery module tablet layout when item titles have different lengths.
- Added wrapper to expanded icon picker styles.
- Fixed Text alignment option not working on front-end pages.
- Fixed padding setting for modules that have buttons (including the Button module) and set an button's icon.
- Fixed issue that renders invisible text in Gutenberg editor.
- Fixed center text alignment not working for the Person module.
- Fixed console error caused by invalid srcset attributes in SVG images when "Enable Responsive Images" option is on.
- Improved Display Conditions technical implementation for rendering Tooltip contents.
- Fixed tablet/mobile (auto) width not reflecting in VB when width is assigned in responsive view for desktop only.
- Fixed the Fields default border radius value for Cart Totals and Cart Products modules.
- Fixed PHP 8 deprecation warning on Icon module.
- Fixed error when accessing background image of button module.
- Improved display of Divi icons when Dynamic Assets is turning on.
- Added loading of the Icon Modules styles on FE.
- Fixed some layout export errors in PHP 8.
- Fixed hidden sections dots appearing in page dot navigation.
- Fixed Default white link color in Footer Widgets set from Theme Customizer was not working.