Formidable Forms Pro 6.9

Download Formidable Forms Pro 6.9 from nulled fire. Formidable Forms Pro it’s The best WordPress form plugin.
Add an easier way to set default values for category fields and dynamic fields.
Include a message about file protection on nginx servers instead of allowing file protection to be turned on.
Fix: After saving a draft, the form was displayed without styling when not set to load on every page.
Fix: Repeaters are adding in the correct form when the same form is included multiple times on the same page.
Use svg for admin menu white label icon
Fix: Include form styles on every page of an ajax form when styling is loaded only on applicable pages.
Fix: Correctly show < when includes in field values in a view.
Fix: Some forms with a combination of lookups and upload fields were showing a disabled submit button when editing on the back-end.
New: When creating a new view, auto select the form.
Fix: Password fields used to show on the Show entry page pre 4.0. Add them back.
Fix: The field list in the View builder didn't allow scrolling all the way to the bottom in forms with a lot of fields.
Fix: Field options in radio, checkbox, and select fields that include an & will now show the correct value by default. They will also work much better with conditional logic.
Fix: Searching and filtering views by a value that includes & has been greatly improved.
Fix: Lookup fields that include an & were not correctly getting watching values. They were also not being correctly marked as selected when returning to edit the entry.
Fix: New 'Payment method' fields added by the Stripe plugin were showing as text fields.