Formidable Forms Pro 6.9.2

Download Formidable Forms Pro 6.9.2 from nulled fire. Formidable Forms Pro it’s The best WordPress form plugin.
New: The default value for a password field invalid format validation message is now more descriptive. As this error message is used for the missing special characters rule, the message now includes the special characters error message by default instead of the previous "Password is invalid" default message.
New: [foreach] shortcodes now support a order="desc" option for iterating repeater entries in reverse order.
New: Field calculations now support scientific notation, enabling numbers like 10e2.
New: A new frm_protected_file_readonly_permission filter has been added. This can be used to work around a Snuffleupagus security module rule that prevents certain chmod values.
New: The way CSS and SVGs are added has been modified for better compatibility with the Snuffleupagus security module.
Fix: Star rating field styling has been updated to improve compatibility with some themes where stars would appear on separate lines.
Fix: Placeholder labels would not appear in multiselect lookup dropdowns.
Fix: Text calculations were not working properly for dynamic field dropdowns in repeaters.
New: When bulk deleting or when deleting all entries for a form, a new confirmation pop up will appear that requires you to confirm first by typing in DELETE ALL. This is intended to help avoid cases where all entries are deleted by mistake.
New: Repeater add and remove buttons now use submit button hover styling.
New: Compatibility scripts have been added for supporting various Pro features (including address fields, forms with multiple pages, and conditional logic) when handling Stripe payments without the Stripe add on.
Fix: Repeater icon color style settings were not properly being applied.
Fix: A passing null to parameter #2 deprecation message would get logged in some cases when replacing shortcodes in newer versions of PHP 8.
Fix: A deprecated use of self would get logged when toggle on or off file protection for a form in newer versions of PHP 8.
Fix: A PHP notice would get logged that only variable references should be returned by reference when processing [auto_id] shortcodes in newer versions of PHP 8.
Fix: The featured image pop up would open with styling issues on Gutenberg pages that have a form block preview with a rich text field embedded.
The autocomplete and multiselect options are no longer hidden for fields that get options from taxonomy data in forms with post actions.