Gravity Forms 2.8.11

Download Gravity Forms 2.8.11 from nulled fire. Gravity Forms is the Easiest Tool to Create Advanced Forms
- Added a message to the status report when background tasks are not enabled warning that the upgrade will take longer than usual.
- Fixed an issue which can cause merge tags to be blank while the database upgrade is queued.
- Fixed a potential fatal error that can occur during or before the database upgrade.

- Fixed an issue retrieving the entry before the entry migration has completed successfully.
- Fixed an issue preventing the entry limit feature from limiting entries.
- Fixed an issue preventing the upgrade process from completing when the incomplete submissions table does not exist.
- Added security enhancements.
- Added accessibility enhancements: Updated the field markup to suppress the tabindex attribute by default unless it's set explicitly via the shortcode or the gform_tabindex filter.
- Added the X-Robots-Tag header to the .htaccess file protecting the downloads and to the download request response.
- Added support for chunking file uploads via the gform_plupload_settings filter. This enables much larger files to be uploaded than the server would ordinarily accept. Example:
add_filter( 'gform_plupload_settings', function( $plupload_init ) {
$plupload_init['chunk_size'] = '1mb';
return $plupload_init;
}, 10, 3 );
- Added support for OpenSSL encryption.
- Added checkbox to select all forms for export.
- Added "gform_notification_enable_cc" filter to enable CC notification settings field.
- Added "Select All" choice to Checkbox field.
- Added a dismissible admin message while upgrading.
- Added the gform_form_list_count filter for overriding the filter counts on the forms list page. Credit: Randall-Reilly and 10up.
- Added the gform_form_list_forms filter for overriding the forms included on the forms list page. Credit: Randall-Reilly and 10up.
- Added a PHP notice which triggers if a legacy table is accessed in a db query from an outdated add-on or custom code.
- Added Saint Martin with country code MF to country list

- Updated wording in installation wizard.
- Updated behavior when deleting an entry to match WordPress deletion behavior.
- Updated Import Forms page to allow for importing multiple files at once.
- Updated Import Forms page verbiage.
- Updated the database schema. Entries will be migrated in the background unless GFORM_AUTO_DB_MIGRATION_DISABLED constant is true. Database rows will be migrated in batches of 10000 or by the number defined by the GFORM_DB_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE constant.
- Upgraded included Chosen jQuery library to version 1.7.
- Updated the upgrade process to fail form validation while upgrading. The form is now displayed.
- Updated the System Report to indicate whether background tasks are possible.

- Fixed submitting a form with keyboard navigation when the submit or next page button is hidden.
- Fixed an issue with the input mask on Android devices.
- Fixed error message appearing when updating logging settings after deleting a log.
- Fixed PHP notice when receiving an invalid response when registering site.
- Fixed redirection issue when permanently deleting or trashing an entry from the entry detail view.
- Fixed an issue with HTML5 elements where browser validation can fail if the field is hidden by conditional logic.
- Fixed merge tag UI tooltip not appearing when with a visual editor.
- Fixed security index files not getting created in custom file upload locations.
- Fixed an issue with the form submission process where notifications may be sent with blank field values when WordPress is using certain database cluster configurations.
- Fixed an issue with the form editor preventing screen readers from editing field settings.
- Fixed debug warnings when activating using the WP CLI.
- Fixed an issue with logging in the background processor.
- Fixed a notice in the conversions column of the forms list for some forms with PHP 7.1.
- Fixed a PHP 7.2 deprecation notice which occurred when processing an Ajax enabled form submission.
- Fixed an issue with entry searching on PHP 7.2.
- Fixed an issue with the nl_BE translations.
- Fixed a PHP 7.2 warning which occurred when deleting fields for a form where the entry list columns have not been customised.
- Fixed the HTML for the Forms menu item on the admin toolbar containing an extra closing a tag.
- Fixed evaluation of conditional logic rules using the entry value of multi-select type post custom fields created with GF2.2+.
- Fixed required validation of the Radio Button field "other" choice value.
- Fixed ampersands in the Post Title field value being replaced by HTML entities.

- API: Updated CSV entry export not to unserialize values. GF_Field::get_value_export() and the gform_export_field_value filter must return either a string or an array, not a serialized value.
- API: Fixed handling of confirmation redirects.
- API: Added multisite support to GF_Background_Process.
- API: Deprecated GFCommon::encrypt() and GFCommon::decrypt().
- API: Fixed a performance issue while clearing the transients.
- API: Added GF_Query. One query to rule them all. Credit: The team at GravityView.
- API: Added GF_Field::get_context_property() and GF_Field::set_context_property() to help define and determine the context for the field.
- API: Removed support for duplicate keys for checkbox fields in search criteria field filters - use array values with IN or NOT IN instead.
- API: Added GFAPI::get_field() for retrieving the field object for the requested field or input ID from the supplied form or form ID.
- API: Fixed an issue with the result of GFAPI::update_feed() where a not_found error is returned when no changes are made to the feed meta. The result now returns the number of rows updated or a WP_Error in the case of an error.

- AF: Updated settings saved text to include Add-On short title.
- AF: Added "no_choices" property to select settings field to display message when no choices exist.
- AF: Updated GFFeedAddOn::duplicate_feed() to return new feed ID.
- AF: Fixed results page processing of Multi Select fields created with GF2.2+.
- AF: Fixed an issue with the entry array during form submission where the values for multi-input fields are not registered properly in the entry array.
- AF: Fixed a JavaScript error which can occur when deleting a form in the form editor and an add-on has included a script with "gform_form_editor" as a dependency.
- AF: Added feed deletion when a form is deleted.
- AF: Fixed an issue where feeds for add-ons not selected as delayed on the PayPal feed could, in some situations, be processed following PayPal payment.