Download Gravity Forms 2.8.9 from nulled fire. Gravity Forms is the Easiest Tool to Create Advanced Forms
- Fixed JS errors which can occur when using the reCAPTCHA field if there is a slow network connection or jQuery is included in the page footer.

- API: Fixed an issue with the entry search where searching for an empty string meta value will return zero results.

- Fixed an issue with the upgrade process where the table check for the incomplete submissions table may fail.
- Fixed a JavaScript error when sites use jQuery v3 on the front-end.

- Fixed bad text strings in messages regarding Add-Ons incompatible with the version of Gravity Forms

- Fixed GFCommon::get_product_fields() interacting with option and shipping fields as arrays instead of using object notation.
- Fixed an issue with how the result from the gform_product_info_name_include_field_label filter was being used.
- Fixed the admin label not being used for the option and shipping fields when using the {all_fields:admin} merge tag.
- Fixed an issue where products with no options, no name, and no price could be included in the products info used to populate the summary table.
- Updated form stylesheets to be registered and enqueued instead of directly enqueued.

- Updated list of available languages for reCAPTCHA

- Fixed some options remaining in the database on uninstall resulting in submissions being blocked or a failed database upgrade occurring on reinstall.
- API: Fixed issue with GFAPI::count_entries( 0 ) where the result is always zero.

- Fixed issue where fields disabled by default were re-enabled via conditional logic.
- Updated GFFeedAddon::get_single_submission_feed() method to only return cached feed if the same form object is provided.
- Fixed text format notifications being formatted to include HTML br tags.
- Fixed an issue with the Date field layout.
- Fixed an issue with the entry search where incorrect results are returned when searching for a meta value that is not empty.
- Added percentage complete to the System Status page when upgrading from 2.2.x.
- Added a message to the status report when background tasks are not enabled warning that the upgrade will take longer than usual.

- Updated the 'force the upgrade' link on the System Status page trigger the upgrade synchronously and then poll the cron task until complete when upgrading from 2.2.x. This provides a way to upgrade if neither background tasks nor the cron are working.
- Updated the way background tasks are handled on multisite. Tasks are processed for the current blog ID before processing tasks for other blog IDs.

- Fixed an issue where form imports could fail if the file contain any extra characters before the JSON.
- Fixed an issue where the previous button can not be clicked on multipage forms when the submit button is hidden by conditional logic.
- Fixed an issue where URL is not be removed from entry value when deleting file.
- Fixed an issue with the submissions block which may affect some systems under rare circumstances.
- Fixed an issue on the entry list page when searching for the value of any field.
- Fixed a database error during the daily cron task which can occur before the database has been upgraded.
- Fixed the cron healthcheck when spawning a background task for a different blog ID on multisite.
- Fixed an issue which can cause merge tags to be blank while the database upgrade is queued.
- Fixed a potential fatal error that can occur during or before the database upgrade.
- Fixed an issue retrieving the entry before the entry migration has completed successfully.
- Fixed an issue preventing the entry limit feature from limiting entries.
- Fixed an issue preventing the upgrade process from completing when the incomplete submissions table does not exist.

- AF: Fixed an issue preventing field mapping from rendering when field labels contain HTML tags.

- API: Fixed an issue searching entries with the != operator when combining clauses with multi-input fields.
- API: Fixed an issue searching entries where the is operator is ignored.