Download Gravity Forms 2.8.9 from nulled fire. Gravity Forms is the Easiest Tool to Create Advanced Forms
- Fixed the save email input placeholder not being translatable.
- Updated the {save_email_input} merge tag to support using the placeholder attribute to override the inputs placeholder e.g. {save_email_input:placeholder="Enter your email address"}
- Fixed a performance issue which forces the autoload options to reload on every request.
- Fixed a performance issue when checking the database version.

- Added 'gform_use_post_value_for_conditional_logic_save_entry' to support fetching values from the $_POST when evaluating a field's conditional logic while re-saving an existing entry.
- Fixed an issue where elements could not escape content container in tabbed content sections.
- Fixed an issue with the entry search when searching for values in nullable columns in the entry table. For example, this fixes an issue when filtering entries for payment status is not 'Processing' where null values are ignored.