Gravity Forms 2.8.11

Download Gravity Forms 2.8.11 from nulled fire. Gravity Forms is the Easiest Tool to Create Advanced Forms
- AF: Added `GFPaymentAddOn::is_valid_payment_amount()` which is called during validation when determining if the add-on should process the submission.
- AF: Added the [gform_{$short_slug}_is_valid_payment_amount]( filter.
- AF: Added `GFAddOn::get_short_slug()` to return the add-on slug with the gravityforms prefix removed.
- API: Added the [gf_has_filters]( function to check if a callback is registered for the specified filter.
- API: Added the [gf_has_action]( function to check if a callback is registered for the specified action.
- Added *[three new filters](* to control the display of buttons in rows two, three, and four of the paragraph field's rich text editor.
- Fixed an issue where the multi-file upload field on some multi-page forms can display escaped multibyte unicode characters.