Gravity Forms 2.8.11

Download Gravity Forms 2.8.11 from nulled fire. Gravity Forms is the Easiest Tool to Create Advanced Forms
- Fixed an issue where a calculation result could return INF which would prevent the Save and Continue feature successfully saving the incomplete submission.

- Added the "gform_form_not_found_message" filter allowing the form not found message to be overridden. Credit: Naomi C. Bush.
- Fixed multi-select type Post Category fields created with GF2.2+ not saving the entry value correctly.
- Fixed the payment date not being formatted to the local timezone in the entry export.

- Updated the minimum version of WordPress required for support to 4.8.
- Fixed a JavaScript error on form display when the "Disable the visual editor when writing" setting is enabled for the current user and the "Use the Rich Text Editor" setting is enabled on a Paragraph or Post Body field.
- AF: Fixed the payment_gateway entry meta item not being set for some add-ons when using the gform_post_payment_completed hook.