- Updated the captcha field so that it does not show autocomplete options.
- Updated the system report to include the REST API base URL and to indicate if REST API v2 is enabled.
- Updated the wording on the import forms page to clarify the expected file format for importing forms.
- Fixed an issue where filters were not applied consistently to repeater field entries. Credit: Paul V. Biron/Sparrow Hawk Computing.
- AF: Updated the meets_minimum_requirements method to include an error if the installed version of Gravity Forms is older than an add-on requires.
- API: Added GFAPI::get_feed() for getting a specific feed.
- API: Updated the REST API v2 /feeds/[feed id] endpoint to support the PATCH method for updating the specified feed.
- API: Fixed an issue with GFAPI::get_feeds() where the requested feed is not returned when inactive.
- API: Fixed an issue with GFAPI::get_feeds() where the returned feeds do not include the feed_order property.
- API: Fixed an issue where the REST API v2 PUT /feeds/[feed id] endpoint only updated the feed meta.
- Updated the plugin header to include the "Requires at least" and "Requires PHP" properties.
- Updated the minimum WordPress version (for support) on the System Status page to 5.6.
- Fixed PHP 8 issues where optional parameters were listed before required ones.
- API: Fixed an issue where the JWT Authentication for WP REST API plugin blocked requests to REST API v2 with a 403 error.
- Fixed the text on the edit entry screen for post title so that it is translatable.
- Fixed an issue where making a checkbox field the primary key on the entries list page threw a PHP notice.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes users are granted `gform_full_access` permission when they shouldn't be.
- API: Added GFAPI::update_feed_property() to update the specified feed with the given property value.
- API: Added GFAPI::feed_exists() to check if a feed exists with the supplied ID.
- API: Added the PUT /feeds/[feed id]/properties endpoint to REST API v2 to update one or more properties of the specified feed.
- API: Added the [gform_webapi_key_user_capabilities](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_webapi_key_user_capabilities/) filter to override which capabilities are used to determine if a user is included in the User drop down menu on the REST API settings page.
- API: Fixed an issue where users without the appropriate permissions appeared in the User drop down menu when creating a new REST API Key.