StudioPress Genesis Framework 3.5.0

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Download StudioPress Genesis Framework 3.5.0 from nulled fire. The Genesis Framework empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress.
### Added
* Accessibility: Added title as `aria-label` to `<article>` element to improve screen reader UX when using the rotor to view all articles on the page.

### Fixed
* Add missing `permission_callback` to public Genesis REST routes to prevent a notice under WordPress 5.5.

### Changed
* Use `excerpt_remove_blocks` to remove block content such as image captions and embed URLs from `get_the_content_limit`.
* Change "Enable auto-updates" in WordPress 5.5 to text that describes where to enable Genesis update checks.
* Improved standards for admin CSS.
* Disable `genesis-lazy-load-images` theme support under WordPress 5.5. WordPress 5.5 adds image lazy loading by default.

### Removed
* Use of `wp_make_content_images_responsive` in archive, singular, and featured widget images; `srcset` is applied via `wp_calculate_image_srcset` in `wp_get_attachment_image` used by `genesis_get_image`.
Adds support for Gutenberg 7.9 and future block editor adjustments.

### Fixed
* Block Editor: prevent an editor crash if the Genesis sidebar is active.
* Block Editor: ensure the Genesis sidebar icon is visible.
Ensures official Genesis translation language packs load correctly.
* Internationalization: Enable language pack updates work on WordPress multisite as long as the main site is using a Genesis theme. Previously, Genesis language pack update prompts would only appear if the main site used a Genesis theme and did not use the en_US locale.
* Internationalization: Fix a fatal error that could occur on sites with custom Genesis translation files that contain an unreadable PO-Revision-Date header.