Toolset Blocks 1.6.16

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Download Toolset Blocks 1.6.16 from nulled fire. Use it to test the new way of visually designing your Toolset templates
Fixed generating a clean View output when rendering it inside a blocks-based page.
Fixed a performance issue when using multiple image blocks inside a View block or a WordPress Archive block.
Fixed a regression on taxonomy frontend search filters set to only offer terms that will produce results.
Fixed a regression on text frontend search filters set to only search on post titles.
Improved performance by making images responsive by utilizing the “srcset” attribute and by allowing lazy loading.
Improved compatibility with various themes.
Fixed inserting custom CSS added to Content Templates edited with the WPBackery page builder.
Fixed issues with the View Elementor widget.
Fixed a problem with the toggle to enable and disable search in the Views block.
Fixed a compatibility issue with PHP 5.6 in our Toolset Settings page.
Fixed a backwards compatibility issue for missing margins and paddings on Container blocks.
Fixed sorting a View listing WooCommerce products by anything but the default date field.
Fixed a regression for the Relevanssi integration on searches.
Fixed the link to edit WordPress Archives for specific taxonomy terms on the Toolset Dashboard.
Reviewed the buttons to create new WordPress Archives in different locations.
Fixed rendering two same Inline Fields placed one after the other.
Improved the editing experience for the Slider block.
Improved the editing experience for the Progress indicator block.
Overall performance optimizations.