Toolset Blocks 1.6.16

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Download Toolset Blocks 1.6.16 from nulled fire. Use it to test the new way of visually designing your Toolset templates
Fixed the ability to only offer search options that will produce results in Views created as blocks.
Fixed the translation of Views search filters.
Fixed the translation of the Heading block when used as a paragraph.
Fixed the Social share block.
Fixed the alignment of Views pagination controls on translated pages.
Introducing Dynamic Sources Everywhere: the ability to use Toolset fields as source for several pieces on native and third party blocks.
Introducing Inline Fields: the ability to use Toolset fields into any rich text component.
Added a new Views module for the Divi builder.
Added the ability to sort a View block by a numeric field.
Added the ability to display the Heading block as a paragraph.
Improved the performance for post relationship filters.
Improved the frontend usability for login and password management forms.
Improved the styling for the Button block on focus and visited states.
Fixed a problem when editing a copy of a View block does not copy all the original View settings.
Fixed a problem with translations on long posts containing a View block.
Fixed a problem with the UAG Post Grid block showing excerpts.
Fixed the output of WordPress ARchives in the Kadence theme.
Fixed a problem for the Image block in randomly sorted Views.
Fixed some glitches when making the Container block behave as a link.
Fixed a problem when a View has more than 9 filters by custom fields.
Fixed a problem when using custom icons on blocks in multilingual sites.
Fixed a problem with search form options when two different View blocks are printed on the same page.
Fixed a problem when duplicating a View created in the legacy editor in multilingual sites.
Fixed the styling on the tooltip for attributes getting values from Dynamic Sources.
- Fixed the setting to not include the current post in a View loop.
- Fixed the vertical alignment for labels on frontend search filters.
- Fixed the random refreshing when editing a View block set as random sorting.
- Fixed some alignment issues for the Container block.
- Fixed some styling controls for blocks not showing the right elements.
- Fixed the resizing handle for columns inside the Grid block.