Toolset Blocks 1.6.16

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Download Toolset Blocks 1.6.16 from nulled fire. Use it to test the new way of visually designing your Toolset templates
Added a new Gallery block for images, with masonry and collage layouts.
Added a new Slider block for images.
Added new masonry and collage layouts for Views.
Added a new block for Youtube videos.
Added new responsive capabilities to some alignment controls.
Improved the overall performance when editing a View with blocks.
Improved the dynamic sources option for the post author data.
Improved the dynamic sources option for the post date data.
Improved the management of the Views frontend cache for Views created as blocks.
Improved the Views frontend search buttons by not forcing a btn-secondary classname.
Improved the rendering of WordPress Archives to avoid some formatting issues.
Fixed the hover and active styles for the Button block.
Fixed the styling for the preview of some Views pagination controls.
Fixed some backwards compatibility problems when using old Views in the new blocks editor.
Fixed some glitches with the Conditional block.
Fixed a problem about deactivating pagination in WordPress Archives created as blocks.
Fixed an issue when trying to set zero as value for some styling controls.
Fixed the Design with Toolset entry in the frontend admin bar on WordPress 5.4.
Fixed a compatibility issue with WPEngine on our lost password shortcode.
Fixed an issue that prevents applying styles for the hover and active states of a button block.
Fixed a regression about formatting in the archives output.
Fixed a problem with options in frontend search forms added to archives.
Fixed an issue with the importing of existing Views into a page when a copy of the View is edited.
Fixed a compatibility problem with Forms due to a shared library.
Fixed a compatibility problem with WooCommerce Views 2.8