Toolset Blocks 1.6.16

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Download Toolset Blocks 1.6.16 from nulled fire. Use it to test the new way of visually designing your Toolset templates
Improved performance for Views using post relationship filters.
Improved the UX for the Views masonry settings.
Improved the compatibility with the EditorsKit plugin.
Improved the performance of the text search filter when the search content contains instances of the “wpml*string” shortcode.
Improved the performance of loading Views using the grid layout on the frontend by unloading unnecessary styles.
Improved compatibility with the upcoming WordPress 5.6.
Fixed the editing of broken Content Templates containing conditional block.
Fixed console errors when inserting a new Image block.
Fixed an issue with the “Featured image” dynamic source which wasn’t offered in a View for an edge case scenario.
Fixed an issue with how custom search settings “Show only available options for each input” works for the View block compared to a legacy View.
Fixed an issue with inserting a View on another page that caused the styles to not been transferred.
Fixed an issue with the Image Slider block when used in a View from within a Conditional block.
Fixed an issue with the Container block where the full*width mode was only applied on the frontend.
Fixed an issue with the Container block where the default padding was not working.
Fixed an issue with the caption of the Image block, exceeding the image width.
Fixed an issue with shortcodes appearing momentarily when first loading a page with blocks using dynamic sources.
Fixed an issue with the Conditional block when used inside a View that couldn’t handle “<=" comparisons for date fields.
Fixed an issue with the Slider block when used in multiple instances on the same page.
Fixed an issue with the Media Device selector not showing the control to adjust the width for desktop for themes not providing the relevant information.
Fixed an issue with the blocks styling not applied on results after paginating a View using AJAX.
Fixed an issue with the Image Slider block, the output of which was missing from the results after paginating a View using AJAX.
Fixed an issue with post content built with blocks missing its styling from the results after paginating a View using AJAX.
Fixed an issue with a View when used in a widget, where styles are not rendered for blocks.
Fixed an issue with broken block styles when the View was cached.
Fixed an issue with Gallery block’s alt tags missing on the frontend when set to use content from dynamic sources.
Fixed an issue with the “wpv*autop” shortcode that was breaking the JS code added to the frontend output by the blocks styling.
Fixed an issue with the Grid block behaving unexpectedly when used in a View with the Collage layout style.
Fixed an issue with the View’s AJAX pagination performance when used for translated content.
Fixed a regression for HTML used in labels for taxonomy frontend filters controls.
Fixed an issue when trying to filter a View by a related post that does not exist.
Removed the Toolset buttons from the native Paragraph block.
Improved the performance for Toolset Blocks and Dynamic Sources.
Improved the compatibility with third party themes using the Codemirror library.
Improved the mechanism to resolve shortcodes used as values for attributes on other shortcodes.
Fixed the previews for Image blocks when used inside a View loop.
Fixed multiple Gallery blocks using the Masonry layout on the same page.
Fixed the preview for a View when sorted by a numeric field.
Fixed removing a row from the Grid block.
Fixed infinite scrolling on WordPress Archives.
Fixed a fatal error when activating the plugin with an old version of Toolset Types relationships.
Fixed an error when listing related posts using a View block.
Fixed the AJAX pagination for Views blocks on WPML multilingual sites.
Fixed a compatibiliy problem wiht using Beaver Builder.
Fixed an error on the Slider and Gallery blocks using images from a related post.
Fixed the body class of posts using a Content Template with a slug that includes numbers.
Improved the performance of the View block when editing it in the backend.