- Fixed a missing validation message on cred_child_link_form when parent_post_id had wrong post_type.
- Fixed an issue with CRED Parent Post Selector that is not populated correctly when Parent Post ID is passed in the URL param (?parent_post_id.
- Fixed an issue with Select2 that did not support select_text and validate_text attributes.
- Improved query performance when CRED Parent Selector searches for Posts by Post Content, when Select2 AJAX is used.
- Fixed an issue where CRED Form did not reset its Post container Object after an AJAX submission.
- Added a new redirection option, "Go to a specific post...", to CRED User Form Settings.
- Fixed an issue with Add Media feature of user that has upload_files permission but not update_posts one.
- Fixed an issue with CRED User Custom Fields controlled by CRED that did not appear in the auto-generated form contents.
- Fixed an issue with CRED button that was not displayed in Avada Text Modules.
- Fixed "Screen options" Pagination issue where the pagination was not applied on the CRED User and Post Field Control screen.
- Fixed a problem with the CRED shortcodes GUI when an attribute value comes from a select2 instance.
- Revamped the CRED button and dialog to insert CRED forms and other CRED shortcodes.
- Added the ability to redirect to ny published post after submitting a post form.
- Improved the Post Parent selector with select2 when there are too many candidates.
- Added a way to control the Select fields default “--- not set ---” string.
- Changed completely the CRED field upload behavior using native WordPress AJAX calls.
- Improved the form usability by disabling the submit button on AJAX forms after it is clicked.
- Fixed a problem with posts being expired after their expiration setting was disabled using CRED 1.9.1 and below.
- Fixed a problem with the post expiration time being modified when saving a post in the backend.
- Fixed a fatal error with CRED post expiration related to the time zone of Melbourne, and other Australian states.
- Fixed an issue with the "for" attribute in Radio Fields, where using the CRED conditional was stripping off the "form" prefix.
- Fixed an issue with Dashicons not loading on the front-end when user is not logged in.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with the Elementor page builder.
- Fixed an issue with form notifications if a conditional with a Generic Field evaluated by "=" was used.
- Fixed an issue where not all video formats that are supported were allowed on Video fields.
- Fixed an issue with Custom CSS and JavaScript code added twice when CRED PHP custom validation was being triggered.
- Fixed a PHP notice occuring when entering the CRED custom fields list.
- Fixed an issue when displaying a Taxonomy field name in validation messages.
- Fixed an issue with Checkboxes fields and on PHP 7.1.
- Fixed a PHP error on the front-end when a CRED form including a Radio field was being rendered.
- Fixed a PHP warning when using a Types or a Generic Skype field.