Toolset Layouts 2.6.16

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Download Toolset Layouts 2.6.16 from nulled fire. Drag and drop editor for entire WordPress sites.
  • User-interface: Added GUI to control Bootstrap columns size per Layout
  • User-interface: Added icon and tooltip to quickly provide markup and attributes information about cells
  • User-interface: Removed distracting elements from Views iFrame and button to save Views elements from main dialog
  • Cosmetics: Changed Slider cell previous and next buttons icons from text only elements to Boostrap library icons in a placeholder
  • Compatibility: Fixed compatibility problem with Woocommerce and Woocommerce Views causing infinite loop when rendering in the same Layout wpv-post-body and wpv-woo-display-tabs Views short codes
  • Compatibility: Fixed issue with Woocommerce product loosing Template Layout when updated
  • Compatibility: Added the possiblity to define a layout to display a CRED Post/User form on demand
  • Compatibility: Fixed issue with Divi builder not loading properly in Post Content cell body
  • API: Added filters to override Slider cell previous and next buttons icons classes to change them or customise them
  • API: Added the possibility to override Template Layout output through URL agument "layout_id=ID"
  • API: Added filter "ddl-filter_layouts_by_cell_type" to filter layouts list by any combination of cells' property/value pair
  • Bug-fix: Fixed issue when rendering search archives with Layouts (e.g. Woocommerce product search)
  • Bug-fix: Fixed show/hide more posts assigned to layout issue in Layouts listing page
  • Bug-fix: Fixed issue with wpautop when rendering Visual Editor cell in Content Layout
Compatibility: Content Layouts translations get content from original post Content Layout only when edited with WPML Translation Editor
User-interface: Added Global Javascript help link
User-interface: Removed broken CSS Styling help link
Bug-fix: Fixed cosmetic problem for Content Layout title overflow
Feature: Implemented changes necessary for supporting Migration plugin
User-interface: Fixed styling problem for template layouts selector in case when user is not allowed to change template layout
Bug-fix: Select2 library replaced with Chosen for selectors with multiple select
Bug-fix: Fixed issues with passing Additional css classes from main dialog to CRED or Views iframe and back (Layouts editor)
Bug-fix: Fixed JavaScript error caused by compatibility between WooCommerce and new template layout selector
Bug-fix: Fixed permission issue with template layout selector, only users with permission to change layout are able to run ajax requests.
Bug-fix: Fixed problem with layout auto assignment in case when user with editor role creates the post
Bug-fix: Fixed styling issue with full width row padding in Content Layout