WP Job Manager - CareerBuilder Integration 1.0.5

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Download WP Job Manager - CareerBuilder Integration 1.0.5 from nulled fire. Query and show sponsored results from Career Builder when listing jobs and list Career Builder jobs

Download WP Job Manager - CareerBuilder Integration 1.0.5 from nulled fire

Query and show sponsored results from Career Builder when listing jobs and list Career Builder jobs
If you have a new job board it may look pretty empty to start – solve this by backfilling job listings using the CareerBuilder Integration plugin. All you need to get started is a Career Builder account and a developer key.

Important: In order to obtain the Developer Key, it needs to be manually approved by the Career Builder staff. Make sure you obtain the key before acquiring the CareerBuilder add-on.

CareerBuilder jobs are listed in a similar format to your local jobs, with the exception of linking straight through to CareerBuilder instead of a job description on your site.

Jobs can be pulled in using default search parameters you define in the settings. Once a user does an actual search, for example by location, the CareerBuilder queries will reflect this showing only relevant results.

This plugin also adds a [career_builder_jobs] shortcode for listing just CareerBuilder results. This is useful if you want to display results from CareerBuilder anywhere on your site. This retrieves CareerBuilder jobs for the parameters you define on the shortcode (there is no searching and filtering like with the main [jobs] shortcode).

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WP Job Manager - CareerBuilder Integration

Apanha Apanha Published By