Download Wp Rocket 3.15.10 from nulled fire. Wp Rocket - Speed up your WordPress website with WP Rocket caching plugin.
Bugfix: Prevent deletion of licence-data.php file after license validation on multisite
Bugfix: Prevent PHP Fatal Error after update to 3.5 when also using the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin by WebToffee
Bugfix: Prevent a PHP fatal error caused by the use of wp_unslash() in the process.php file (#2376)
Bugfix: Prevent an inaccurate preload counter display in the admin notice (#2341)
Bugfix: Correctly auto-generate critical path CSS when enabling the Optimize CSS Delivery option (#2302)
Bugfix: Conflict between WP Rocket mobile preload and wp_is_mobile()
Bugfix: Update priorities to prevent wrong insertion order