Yoast SEO Premium 22.7

Download Yoast SEO Premium 22.7 from nulled fire. Yoast SEO Premium is the most powerful and comprehensive WordPress SEO plugin on the market.
Adds a column to the post overview page which shows whether a post has been marked as cornerstone content.
Excludes the website home page from the Orphaned content workout in case the page is a static one.

Fixes a bug where a console error would appear when opening a post on English sites.

Bumps the minimum required version of Yoast SEO to 20.6.
Bumps the minimum required version of Yoast SEO to 20.7.
Deprecates the Zapier integration.
Sets the minimum supported WooCommerce version to 7.1.
Sets the minimum supported WordPress version to 6.1.


  • Adds a text alignment assessment to the readability analysis in Block editor.


  • Fixes a bug where a wrong redirect preview URL would be shown when WordPress was installed in a subdirectory.


  • Adds a dismissible notification for the removal of the Zapier integration when the integration is enabled.
  • Bumps the minimum required version of Yoast SEO to 20.6.
Fixes a bug where the highlighting for the word complexity assessment would not be applied to the first sentence of a paragraph when that paragraph contained a new line character.
Bumps minimum required version of Yoast SEO to 20.5.
Drops compatibility with PHP 5.6, 7.0