Yoast SEO Premium 22.6

Download Yoast SEO Premium 22.6 from nulled fire. Yoast SEO Premium is the most powerful and comprehensive WordPress SEO plugin on the market.
* Disables WordPress’ automatic conversion of emoji to images on every page where the snippet editor is present. This conversion is not compatible with React or content editable fields and broke the snippet editor.
* Fixes text directionality for the title and description fields in the snippet editor for right-to-left languages.
* Fixes a bug where the snippet title and description values were saved to the database if they did match the post-type template.
* Fixes a bug where the snippet variables selection is hidden behind the WordPress menu when using a right-to-left language.
* Fixes styling in the snippet preview when using a right-to-left language.
* Fixes a bug where the ‘insert snippet variable’ button placement was inconsistent.
* Migrates WooCommerce Product archive settings to the Shop page, if present and not already set on the Shop page.
* Fixes a bug where disabling the post_format archive would result in it actually being enabled and vice versa.
* Fixes an issue where all replacement variables were being displayed instead of the recommended ones.

* Restores currentyear as a snippet variable.