Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25

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Download Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25 from nulled fire. A Magazine WordPress Theme Powered By The Divi Builder ... Extra is fully responsive
- Added a mechanism to allow to set site-wide section/row/module defaults from right inside the builder.
- Fixed disabling Portability for specific modules not always disabling the Portability button.
- Fixed unwanted default values inheritance between Row and Columns.
- Fixed unsupported Row structure conversion to supported structure after manual Columns re-arrangement.
- Fixed Row Sizing migration that removed row custom gutter width.
- Fixed module align control missing buttons in Legacy Divi Builder.
- Fixed a PHP error that occurred when importing Divi Builder layouts that included post-based modules.
- Fixed Columns Migration issue with even columns structures in some cases in Legacy Divi Builder.
- Fixed rendering of the new 1/3 column inside the 2/3 Specialty Column on Frontend.
- Fixed Blurb Image inner box shadow.
- Fixed overflow options not saving in Legacy Divi Builder.
- Fixed incorrect main element selector on Blog and Portfolio modules when processing custom CSS on VB.
- Fixed LearnPress custom meta boxes disappearing when the Divi Builder is enabled.
- Fixed incorrect border and box shadow selectors used on Slider & Fullwidth Slider image element.
- Added hover support on blockquote border weight and border color.
- Fixed an issue that caused global loading spinner to be shown unnecessarily when opening module settings right after the builder loads.
- Fixed the Visual Builder re-loading after opening a settings modal quickly after the builder loaded.
- Fixed Visual Builder double loading issue that occured when using CPT Layout Injector plugins.
- Fixed Visual Builder double loading issue that occured when using different language settings for WordPress and user.
- Fixed Visual Builder double loading issue that occured once after rolling back to an older Divi version.
- Fixed Visual Builder double loading issue that occured while Divi Safe Mode was active.
- Fixed Visual Builder double loading issue that occured on some servers that added extra white spaces to builder definitions.
- Fixed Border Options controls mobile and hover icons disappearing.
- Fixed a bug in the Classic Divi Builder that caused module setting migrations to not be performed when importing layouts using the Divi Library and Portability features.
- Further reduced PHP memory usage.
- Fixed an error when Backend Visual Builder was used with WP versions prior 5.0.
- In some cases after using settings modal select control, the select did not lose it's hover state even after cursor hovered over another option.
- Added Slider Content Width and Content Max Width options.
- Updated Deutsch translations from the community.
- Prevent draggable padding getting hidden while dragging and holding shift key.
- Fixed module Parallax Background conflict with module overflow options.
- Fixed list style type, list style position, list style item indent, blockquote border weight, and blockquote border color not being rendered on the FE.
- Fixed Add New Column functionality when adding modules with Insert Module Quick Action.
- Fixed undefined content error that causes VB to not be able to paste module after deleting the last module on the column.
- Fixed border styles not working on Fullwidth Header Image element.
- Fixed background color when it was set as initial on incorrect condition by removing duplicated background image properties when background image and gradient are activated at the same time.
- Fixed section add row button spacing.
- Fixed button custom padding not working on various modules when the custom icon is disabled.
- Improved mouse cursor appearance when moving over Locked Module content.
- Fixed undefined variable when processing background image on button element.
- Fixed issue with Blurb module text center alignment on tablet and phone.
- Fixed javascript warning when grid mode is enabled.
- Fixed Module Alignment control not working.
- Updated Deutsch translations from the community.
- Fixed button options styles not being rendered on Theme Customizer.
- Fixed background image not being displayed when setting background color on theme customizer on button element.
- Changed the default Shop module sorting option to match the configured value in the Customizer.
- Added a new "Sort by Menu Order" option to the Shop module to match the previous default. All current users will automatically be switched to this mode for backwards compatibility.
- Fixed Parent Row/Section Hover Buttons Stuck On After Adding Column.
- Fixed Modules Animation preview in Visual Builder.
- Fixed console warning about react incorrect prop name.
- Fixed a case of Visual Builder page loading being slow with PHP 5.X.
- Fixed cases when module add button is not appearing.
- Fixed box shadow not being rendered on blog image when using fullwidth layout.
- Fixed inability to change Circle Counter margin left & right settings.
- Fixed VB not being updated correctly after we extend layout setting on Filterable Portfolio and Portfolio module.
- Fixed Mailchimp List select option reset.
- Fixed incorrect target when copy and paste Meta Text options group or individual option to Blog, Comments, Post Slider, and Fullwidth Post Slider on module level.
- Fixed inability to set border image to use solid style on Blog module when using Grid layout.
- Fixed module alignment not working on VB when responsive settings is enabled on Width, but disabled on Module Alignment.
- Fixed title font size not rendered properly in Visual Builder phone mode for Audio module.
- Fixed Fullwidth Modules should appear after Regular Modules in Quick Actions modal.
- Add hover settings support for Circle Color, Circle Background Color, and Circle Background Opacity of Circle Counter module.
- Fixed reset styles doesn't work on multiple selected items.
- Fixed background glitch when editing any fields with range control type.
- Added hover support for Slider navigation.
- Fixed Settings Modal Scrolling at the Edit Row step in Product Tour.