Formidable Forms Pro 6.9.2

Download Formidable Forms Pro 6.9.2 from nulled fire. Formidable Forms Pro it’s The best WordPress form plugin.
Tweak: Include the required indicator when field label is the placeholder.
New hooks: frm_filter_admin_entries and frm_admin_search_options. These hooks add options to search list entries in custom ways.
Include the CSS Layout Classes option in Total fields.
Fix: Don't require x_order to be included in the frm-graph shortcode to show field options with no responses.
Fix: When an "other" box is checked, always require a value to be entered even when another box is checked.
Fix: Dependent taxonomies were not getting checked when not on the first page.
Fix: With some date formats, date fields inside repeaters were showing the current date in the summary instead of the selected date.
Fix: In some cases with conditional logic, the first row in a repeater wasn't included in the summary.
Auto deactivate Pro after uninstall to prevent tables from being recreated.
Fix: Another update for PHP 7.4.
New: Use checkboxes in quantity field settings for selecting the product. This allows for better product variations because the quantity field can be applies to multiple options.
New: Include the step option for quantity fields to allow for options like "1.5 hours".
Fix: Allow <= in field calculations.
Fix: Don't allow a negative quantity in pricing fields.
Fix: When a number quantity outside the allowed range is used, force the max and min settings.
New: Pricing fields have been added with a way to use products and quantities, set the currency, and automatically total up the products.
New: When a WordPress parameter is added as the View detail slug or in the filters, show a warning to avoid unintended side effects.