Formidable Forms Pro 6.9

Download Formidable Forms Pro 6.9 from nulled fire. Formidable Forms Pro it’s The best WordPress form plugin.
While a file is uploading, disable the Save Draft link too.
Added import button on the entries listing page.
Adjust the slider styling to make it match the toggle.
Improve performance of conditional logic for pricing fields.
Fix: Account for conditional logic for skipped pages and hidden sections when calculating totals for pricing fields.
Fix: If a dropdown field without a blank option is used in a calculation, correctly get and set the value based on conditional logic.
Fix: Required multiple file upload fields were being allowed empty.
Fix: Save toggle fields as a single value rather than serialized array.
Fix: When truncating a string in a view, don't remove extra occurrences of the displayed string.
Fix: Don't load Formidable scripts on the form settings page when a view is included as a default value in a field.
Tweak: Include the required indicator when field label is the placeholder.
New hooks: frm_filter_admin_entries and frm_admin_search_options. These hooks add options to search list entries in custom ways.
Include the CSS Layout Classes option in Total fields.
Fix: Don't require x_order to be included in the frm-graph shortcode to show field options with no responses.
Fix: When an "other" box is checked, always require a value to be entered even when another box is checked.
Fix: Dependent taxonomies were not getting checked when not on the first page.
Fix: With some date formats, date fields inside repeaters were showing the current date in the summary instead of the selected date.
Fix: In some cases with conditional logic, the first row in a repeater wasn't included in the summary.
Auto deactivate Pro after uninstall to prevent tables from being recreated.
Fix: Another update for PHP 7.4.
New: Use checkboxes in quantity field settings for selecting the product. This allows for better product variations because the quantity field can be applies to multiple options.
New: Include the step option for quantity fields to allow for options like "1.5 hours".
Fix: Allow <= in field calculations.
Fix: Don't allow a negative quantity in pricing fields.
Fix: When a number quantity outside the allowed range is used, force the max and min settings.