Formidable Forms Pro 6.9.2

Download Formidable Forms Pro 6.9.2 from nulled fire. Formidable Forms Pro it’s The best WordPress form plugin.
New: Added an option to attach a file to sent emails.
New: Added responsive classes for use in views: frm_no_grid_750 and frm_no_grid_600.
New: Allow account connection from the add-ons page to reduce clicks.
New: Added frm_action_logic_value hook for changing the value saved for form action logic.
New: Added frm_field_object_for_shortcode hook used when showing field values in views and emails.
Update the frm-search shortcode to include block classes for themes to style.
Improved the styling for the frm-alt-table class.
Fix: Images in radio fields and start ratings weren't keyboard accessible.
Fix: Images in radio buttons can now be centered.
Fix: Calculated currency values weren't showing on edit.
Fix: Some form actions were triggered during XML import when they shouldn't have.
Fix: Don't show error message for Total field when it's hidden with conditional logic.
New: Use line_breaks=0 to show multi-line content in one row inside the frm-show-entry shortcode.
New: Add format=currency option for use with field shortcodes
New: Calculated currency values will now show as currency when the value is displayed. This covers summaries, emails, entry listing page, views and more. To prevent this formatting, use format=number in the field shortcode.
New: Add settings for inbox messages.
Fix: Correctly show a numeric value in a dynamic list field on the view entry page and in emails.
Fix: Prevent javascript error when submit button is inline with no visible fields.
New: Added image selection options in radio and checkbox fields.
New: Allow fields to include the value submitted with [25] or [25 default=something]. This is great for calculators that show the form after submit.
New: Allow class="something" when displaying an uploaded file.
New: Added a few classes for use in views. These include frm_round, frm_square, frm_smaller, frm_small, frm_bigger, frm_plain_list, frm_inline_list, frm_flex, frm_full_row, and frm_tiles.
Fix: User id field wouldn't switch back to blank when editing from the admin area.
Fix: Fields with a size and prepend/append options will now use the set size.
Fix: Modify the detail link to not use pretty urls if viewing a draft page.
Fix: The file upload styling on backend form was overlapping.