Formidable Forms Pro 6.9.2

Download Formidable Forms Pro 6.9.2 from nulled fire. Formidable Forms Pro it’s The best WordPress form plugin.
Show any views for repeaters on the view listing page for the parent form.
Added javascript validation on URL fields.
Fix: Preserve Dynamic field, Lookup, calculations, etc regardless of the field order
Fix: A Rich Text Field in a repeater didn't repeat field with tool bar.
Fix: When the button to Delete all entries is used, it was possible to delete the entries a second time if the page was reloaded.
Fix: The currency format wasn't always used for calculated fields in emails.
Fix: When javascript validation is turned on, show an error message for file upload fields.
Fix: File Upload fields weren't fully accessible with the label.
Fix: The multiselect role options weren't sreen-reader friendly.
Fix: Some characters in displayed lookup values were displayed as HTML entities like >
Security: Restrict access to plugin PHP files when accessed directly in the browser.
New: Multiple roles can now be selected in each of the role options. This allows for more control when using custom roles.
Fix: reCaptchas are now more reliable for ajax and multi-paged forms.
New: Better handle importing options with commas. Options can be in a single column in the CSV with commas, or each option can be in a separate column.
Fix: Hidden fields with default values within repeaters lost value when repeater was hidden/unhidden.
Fix: Conditional logic based on default values wasn't working on page 2+ within a repeating section.
Fix: Default values in checkbox fields with conditional logic we getting cleared.