Gravity Forms 2.8.11

Download Gravity Forms 2.8.11 from nulled fire. Gravity Forms is the Easiest Tool to Create Advanced Forms
- API: Updated the file upload field value in the draft entry from GFFormsModel::create_lead() to contain a JSON encoded array of file details instead of the incorrect file URL.
- Fixed a bug that prevents the error icon from displaying in the validation summary in the Gravity Forms 2.5 Theme.
- Fixed the padding of field validation messages in the Gravity Forms 2.5 Theme.
- Fixed a bug that prevented notification CC and BCC fields from correctly handling comma-separated merge tags.
- Added security enhancements.
- Fixed the `gform_required_legend` filter to that the `$form` parameter is passed correctly.
- Fixed an issue that causes the Entry menu item to appear disabled when on an Entry screen.
- Fixed an issue where importing a form with Next buttons causes an error.
- Fixed an issue which causes empty column headers in entry exports for the address field latitude and longitude inputs added by the Geolocation Add-On.
- Fixed an issue that prevents replacement of the field merge tag when the input ID includes alphanumeric characters like {Address (Latitude):1.geolocation_latitude}.
- Updated the datepicker to fit on small screens.
- Fixed the `gform_required_legend` filter to that the `$form` parameter is passed correctly.