* Other: Announcement:
WooCommerce Zapier 2.7: Compatibility with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) - OM4 Software
* New: Add support for WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS). PR #619 #621 #623 #624
* Update: Minimum required WordPress version is 6.0.0. PR #622
* Update: Minimum required WooCommerce version is 6.5.0. PR #622
* Update: Minimum required WooCommerce Bookings version is 1.15.55. PR #622
* Update: Minimum required WooCommerce Subscriptions version is 4.2.0. PR #622
* Update: Marked as compatible with WooCommerce 7.9. PR #625
* Update: Marked as compatible with WooCommerce Bookings 2.0. PR #625
* Update: Marked as compatible with WooCommerce Subscriptions v5.3. #628
* Fix: Ensure default adjustment type for "Update Product Price" action is valid. PR #617
* Other: Security: Ensure Bookings trigger/webhook sending checks webhook user permissions. PR #623