Formidable Forms Pro 6.9.2

Download Formidable Forms Pro 6.9.2 from nulled fire. Formidable Forms Pro it’s The best WordPress form plugin.
New: Allow smart values in conditional logic conditions for form actions like [date] and compare to other fields like [25].
New: Add frm_action_logic_value filter for adjusting the value in form action logic at run time.
Fix: Don't require nonces for front-end lookups.
Fix: Correctly show post fields in entry summary before submit.
Fix: Replace deprecated use of delete_blog in multisite.
Fix: If spaces were included in the color options for a graph shortcode, the graph didn't show.
Fix: When a dropdown has a placeholder set, use it after conditional logic changes.
Fix: A php warning was showing on the views listing page when used with MemberPress.
New: Use the thousands separator in price calculations.
New: Added support for fields watching multi-select dropdown lookups.
Fix: When new options are added for pricing fields or other fields, always save them correctly even when separate values are not turned on.
Fix: Subtotals inside repeaters were being treated as total fields.
Fix: The combo of frm_full in sections and frm_inline inside the section wasn't changing the layout.
Fix: Editing a read-only category dropdown from back-end was resetting it to the default category.
Fix: Prevent a couple different php warnings.
If a child entry isn't created in a repeater, create it when entry is viewed. The cause and replication for the original issue is unknown.
While a file is uploading, disable the Save Draft link too.
Added import button on the entries listing page.
Adjust the slider styling to make it match the toggle.
Improve performance of conditional logic for pricing fields.
Fix: Account for conditional logic for skipped pages and hidden sections when calculating totals for pricing fields.
Fix: If a dropdown field without a blank option is used in a calculation, correctly get and set the value based on conditional logic.
Fix: Required multiple file upload fields were being allowed empty.
Fix: Save toggle fields as a single value rather than serialized array.
Fix: When truncating a string in a view, don't remove extra occurrences of the displayed string.
Fix: Don't load Formidable scripts on the form settings page when a view is included as a default value in a field.