WooCommerce Zapier Integration 2.10.0

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Download WooCommerce Zapier Integration 2.10.0 from nulled fire. Bring the power of Zapier to WooCommerce. Integrate your store
* Other: Announcement: WooCommerce Zapier 2.6.0: Full Product Variation Support - OM4 Software
* New: Product variations can be created using the "Create Product" action. PR #606, PR #612
* New: Product variations can be updated using the "Update Product" action. PR #606, PR #612
* New: Product variations can be found using the "Find Product" action. PR #606, PR #612
* New: "Product stock status changed (any status)" trigger rule. PR ##609
* New: "Product stock status changed to in stock" trigger rule. PR ##609
* New: "Product stock status changed to on backorder" trigger rule. PR ##609
* New: "Product stock status changed to out of stock" trigger rule. PR ##609
* New: "Product stock low" trigger rule. PR ##609
* New: Add "Update Product Price" REST API endpoint, for use with the new "Update Product Price" action. PR #608
* Change: Product actions now checking both products and product variation permissions. PR #606
* Change: Trigger sample data now includes product variations. PR #606
* Change: Transfer by Zapier product data now includes product variations. PR #606
* Fix: Ensure "Update Product Stock" REST API endpoint does not accept an empty "product_value" when searching by SKU. PR #608
* Other: Announcement: WooCommerce Zapier 2.5.1 Maintenance Release
* Fix: Avoid database error for new installs. PR #601
* Update: Enable pagination on WooCommerce Zapier Task History metaboxes displayed on the edit Order, Coupon, Product, Subscription & Booking screens. PR #587
* Update: Always show the associated user for Zapier webhooks in the system status. PR #567
* New: Improve system status output to check for user issues in Zapier webhooks. PR #567
* New: Always log webhook delivery attempts when the content is an error. PR #567
* New: Log every webhook delivery attempt when enabling the "Enable Detailed Logging" setting. PR #567
* Fix: Handle error when building payload for booking webhooks. PR #567