Yoast SEO Premium 22.6

Download Yoast SEO Premium 22.6 from nulled fire. Yoast SEO Premium is the most powerful and comprehensive WordPress SEO plugin on the market.
  • Adds additional organization info fields and organization identifiers fields to the schema.
  • Bumps the minimum required version of Yoast SEO to 22.0.
Get ready to supercharge your content! AI-powered meta description and title generation is now seamlessly enabled for all users as the default setting.
Introducing a new feature: AI SEO title and meta description generation for WooCommerce products! To unlock this SEO magic, make sure you have both Yoast SEO Premium and Yoast WooCommerce SEO installed.

Fixes a bug where the focus style of the Use AI error message buttons would be cut off.
Fixes a bug where the related links block would not be translated.

Bumps the minimum required version of Yoast SEO to 21.6.
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